French Breakfast Radish

Original price was: $3.50.Current price is: $2.00.

  • Organic
  • Oblong roots
  • Dark pink roots fade to white
  • Mildly pungent flavor
  • Fall/winter and spring radish
  • 20-30 days

Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Plant in full sun. Successive plantings can be made every 3-4 weeks throughout summer and fall to provide a continual harvest.

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A very early market garden radish of French origin. Listed by J.M. Thorburn & Co of New York in 1870. Oblong and blunt, rose-scarlet with a white tip. White crisp flesh with a mildly pungent flavor. Sow in the spring or fall and pick when small. 20-30 days.